I hate this game!You can do better!
I hate this game!You can do better!
Where's The Other 96%?
Man this a good game but I can´t avaliate 5 then it´s 3
Man why you don´t put Shadow and the Super Form of Tails and Knucles?It´s only half star.
I only have Shadow in Uber Sonic Scene Creator 2. I will add Tails & Knuckles super forms in the 3rd one.
Pretty cool but why Sonic can´t battle his replica?I´m sure i´ll wait part 2
Yeah pretty cool when the version 3 comes????????
I´ll see the game but it leave to much time to charge and I don´t like the bonus video because I have the Sonic´s all volumes of movies and comes the bonus video on the intro
I know you´ll think me a fool but why Sky Sanctuary is the first phase?And why we have only 3 characters to play to deslock others? I prefire Super Smash Flash.
Joined on 8/4/12